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Age Less
How I reduced my biological age from 60 to 20... and how you can to

A groundbreaking guide to growing younger, from the inside out

When Mail journalist Sandra Parsons suffered a serious back injury in her mid-40s, she knew things had to change. Years of smoking, drinking, and late-night takeaways at her desk had taken their toll; she was in pain, and she felt... well, old.


In her quest to heal her body, Sandra delved into the science of ageing and was astonished by what she found – that ageing is now considered a treatable ‘disease’, and by addressing its root causes, we can turn back the clock and dramatically extend our health span.


Distilling all the latest medical science and with the help of the world’s leading longevity experts, she presents a 3-step plan to embed new ways of eating, moving and, crucially, resting more deeply. The plan is designed to put you on the path to long-term term change, but you will feel the effects in a matter of weeks. With quizzes at each step to assess your health and clever food swaps, this book introduces key changes to your daily routine that will repair years of damage and transform the way you feel.


Now 61, Sandra discovered in a recent test that she has a biological age of20. That’s right – 61 on the outside, 20 on the inside. This book shows how she did it – and how you can too.


With an introduction by Dr Valter Longo


Pre-order details coming soon

Pub date: 5th June 2025

Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9781915780317

Price: £14.99

About the author:


Sandra Parsons

SandraParsons worked at The Times and edited T2 for 8 years, before becoming a columnist at the Daily Mail. She has now been the Daily Mail’s Literary Editor for 15 years. She is also a qualified yoga instructor. She lives in London with her family.

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