David. A. Kessler
M.D., served as commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration under presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton...

Denise Dorrance
is an American-born cartoonist and illustrator. Born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, she moved to London...

Edward Bullmore
studied medicine at the University of Oxford and St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London, before training as a psychiatrist...

Geir Jordet
Geir Jordet is a Professor in psychology and football at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences...

Gerad Kite
is a Five-Element Acupuncture Master and psychotherapist based in London, the US and Italy...

Jessie Inchauspé
is a French biochemist and author. She is on a mission to translate cutting-edge science...

Polly Vernon
has been a features writer, interviewer and columnist for 18years. She now writes primarily forThe Times and Grazia...

Poppy Jamie
is an author, international speaker, broadcaster and entrepreneur. She hosts the popular spiritual wellness podcast, Unwind with Poppy...

Rachel Stark
grew up in Perris, California. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing from University of California...

Rebecca Willis
is a features journalist and writer. She worked at Vogue for 15 years and also at The Independent on Sunday.

Robert Lufkin, MD
has served as full professor at the UCLA and the University of South California Schools of Medicine. In addition to being a practicing physician...

Sandra Parsons
worked at The Times and edited T2, before becoming a columnist at the Daily Mail. She is now the Daily Mail’s Literary Editor...